All surgery requires detailed preparation, not just from the medical staff, but from the patient as well. If you are getting a tummy tuck, we will discuss all the ways you should prepare yourself and your lifestyle to maximize your recovery and comfort. Our experienced plastic surgeon and well-practiced medical team will answer all your questions on how to properly prepare for a tummy tuck in Houston.

How Should Patients Prepare for a Tummy Tuck?

At Deigni Plastic Surgery, we strive to prepare you for all aspects of your tummy tuck surgery. We will confirm with our patients that they have obtained their post-op recovery items and that they have adult supervision for the first 24 hours after surgery. We advise that our patients perform any necessary house chores prior to surgery, as well as shop for groceries, prepare that week’s meals, and pick up any medications. It is also important to obtain a set of standard lab tests for all of our patients, and any specific labs are done based on their individual medical history.

Getting Ready for Surgery Day

For all surgeries, but especially for a tummy tuck, it is important to have an empty stomach. Most patients will be allowed to eat up until midnight the night before the procedure, but nothing to eat or drink after that. They are allowed to take medications with a sip of water the morning of surgery. Patients can take blood pressure medications, but they are not allowed to eat a meal or drink any coffee or other liquids other than some water.

On the morning of the procedure, patients will meet with the anesthesia team in our Houston surgical facility, as well as the facility and nursing staff so they can start the IV drip. Dr. Deigni will meet them in the preoperative area and mark the surgical spots on their body before they go to the operating room for the procedure.

A standard drainless tummy tuck takes about two to three hours – potentially more, if other procedures are conducted. Once the procedure is complete, the patient will usually be able to go home that same day.

Preparing for the Aftercare Ahead of Time

Prior to surgery, we allow patients to obtain a number of post-op medications, including meds for pain, muscle spasms, and some blood thinners. Ideally, they already have those in their home by the time they get back from their procedure. Some patients will have their caregiver take care of their meals, while other patients will prepare their meals prior to surgery so that they have food already made for at least the first five days of recovery. It is also important to make sure the patient has a recliner chair available and set up sleeping arrangements on the first floor, if possible, so that they do not have to walk upstairs during the first week of recovery. Family and friends will need to take care of young children during this initial period.

Talk to Our Houston Surgeon About Preparing for a Tummy Tuck

When you elect to have plastic surgery, our job does not end when you are discharged. We help you prepare for a tummy tuck in Houston by ensuring you have all that you need for the recovery phase before the day of your procedure. To learn more about what this process entails, call us at 281-721-4373 and set up a consultation.

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