A tummy tuck helps address loose skin and extra fat after weight loss, aging, or pregnancy. It contours the waist and slims your figure, repairing muscles that were damaged by extreme weight gain or childbirth. Like all cosmetic surgery, it requires some recovery time.

However, more and more patients are opting for a drainless tummy tuck in Houston to shorten the recovery time and make it more comfortable. Dr. Olivier Deigni specializes in drainless tummy tucks so that you can get the results without having to deal with the drains that often come with an abdominoplasty recovery.

What Makes a Drainless Tummy Tuck Different?

A traditional tummy tuck is when your surgeon removes excess skin and fat from your abdomen, then tightens the connective tissue with permanent sutures, hiding the scar in the natural crease within the bikini line. If you have had a c-section, a surgeon may blend the scar from the tummy tuck within the scar from the c-section, so it looks like you only had one procedure.

However, there may be a build-up of blood or fluid, which requires the insertion of drains that remain in place for several days while the fluid leaves the body, increasing the recovery time and the risk of infection. You might need to take precautionary antibiotics, which could affect your health and contribute to antibiotic resistance. You also may need to empty the drains, which can be time-consuming and unpleasant. So is there a way to avoid all of this?

This is where the drainless tummy tuck comes in: Dr. Deigni uses a unique layered suturing system, eliminating the need for drains, shortening recovery time, and reducing scarring. With a drainless tummy tuck in Houston, we can even perform liposuction at the same time. If you are having a “mommy makeover,” which typically combines a tummy tuck with a breast augmentation or breast lift and potentially other procedures, then the drainless tummy tuck may be even more worthwhile.

What Should You Expect?

At your consultation, Dr. Deigni will assess if the tummy tuck without drains is suitable for you. We recommend you wait until you have completed your family before having a tummy tuck, as another pregnancy could reverse the procedure’s effects. If he determines that you are a good candidate, he will schedule your surgery at a convenient time.

With any cosmetic surgery, it is best to have realistic expectations and know the procedure’s limitations. Most people need one to two weeks of recovery time after a tummy tuck, so plan accordingly. It would be best if you avoided strenuous exercise for a few weeks. We can advise you about resuming your usual exercise regimen.

If you are a smoker, you must stop smoking for two to four weeks before the procedure. It would be best if you also avoided heavy drinking, and you should be in good general health. Dr. Deigni will ask you about your medications, including prescription, non-prescription, and supplements, and may recommend that you stop taking them briefly, if possible; you should also talk to your family doctor about this.

Post-Procedure After a Drainless Tummy Tuck

A drainless tummy tuck takes a couple of hours under general anesthesia in our Houston office. You should arrange for somebody to drive you home and should not drive yourself, sign legal documents, operate machinery, or work with knives for 24 hours. Some swelling is normal, although less than a traditional tummy tuck that has fluid drains, and you will receive pain medication.

You should wear a support garment for six weeks to help prevent fluid build-up and support your core while you heal. Shortly after the procedure, you may already start to see the results, and if you maintain a stable weight and do not get pregnant, the results should be long-lasting.

Learn How a Drainless Tummy Tuck in Houston Can be Beneficial

Advancements in plastic surgery techniques have made the recovery process much smoother. A drainless tummy tuck in Houston is a better alternative to a traditional abdominoplasty and is easily combined with other surgeries. If you are unhappy with your tummy’s appearance but also wish to avoid the fluid maintenance that often occurs, contact our office at 281-721-4373 to find out how Dr. Deigni can help you.

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