Plastic surgery has continued to get more popular and many different types of people use it to help restore a youthful and fresh appearance. A wide range of surgical and non-invasive options can lift and smooth your skin, and leave you with a cleaner, more defined face and physique.

No surgical procedure is without risk, so you must discuss the benefits and potential complications with Dr. Olivier Deigni during a consultation. No one-size-fits-all approach exists, so Dr. Deigni customizes treatments to address your specific cosmetic concerns.

Our various surgical and non-surgical techniques involve different approaches, require different preparation, and need different recovery times. We will provide all the information you need to decide whether to move forward with plastic surgery in Sugar Land. Schedule a consultation and discover the Deigni Difference!

Plastic Surgery Options at Our Surgical Facility

Someone who is looking for plastic surgery in Sugar Land will likely want to tighten the skin and remove small fatty deposits in your face, breast, and body that have been resistant to diet and exercise.

Plastic Surgery of the Face

Facial plastic surgeries are popular with patients of all ages. For example, you may choose a complete facelift that elevates the skin and tightens the tissues and muscles in the face and neck. Dr. Deigni can remove excess skin and small fatty deposits, or may add cheek or chin implants to add to the prominence of your features. People who would like targeted lifting may choose an eyelid, brow, or forehead lift, while others may decide to get a rhinoplasty to reshape their nose or correct any breathing issues.

Body Surgery

Body contouring or sculpting surgeries can also help reveal a firmer and slimmer silhouette. If you are interested in lifting a certain part of your body (including the arms, thighs, lower body, or buttocks), Dr. Deigni accomplishes this by removing excess skin tissue and tightening the fascia and underlying muscle to reveal a shapelier and sexier physique. He also specializes in drainless tummy tucks, which, when combined with traditional liposuction, can shrink the size of your belly and waist and give you a boost of confidence.

Breast Enhancement

Breast surgery is a common choice among women, with augmentations, lifts, and reductions all serving different purposes but ultimately aimed at making you satisfied with your body. Dr. Deigni can even replace or revise implants that were inserted by another surgeon. But it’s not just women who seek out plastic surgery in Sugar Land: many men come to us for procedures as well! Gynecomastia correction and pectoral etching are popular among our male clients.

Our Med Spa Services

Non-invasive facial treatments may include Botox and Dysport injections or other injectable fillers to help smooth wrinkles, erase fine lines, or add structure and definition. Kybella is another injectable option that helps reduce fatty deposits under the chin in a series of injections that destroy fat cells and gradually produce a natural appearance.

Our Med Spa services also include non-invasive cosmetic treatments to tighten the skin or to revitalize the vaginal area using radiofrequency therapy. Ask us about the ThermiVa package.

How Does Aging Affect Plastic Surgery?

Many surgical procedures and some non-invasive procedures produce long-term benefits. Younger people often hold their results longer than those over 50, which might be because there is less age-related breakdown. However, experience has also shown that people over 50 enjoy incredible cosmetic benefits that make them look younger.

While these procedures can produce incredible results for years, they are not immune to further aging or lifestyle choices. Some people notice age-related changes from 10 to 15 years after a plastic surgery procedure. Dr. Deigni can perform revisions of these previous treatments.

Discover the Deigni Difference with Plastic Surgery in Sugar Land

The decision to seek plastic surgery and address your cosmetic concerns is personal and deserves the attention of a board-certified and compassionate plastic surgeon. Call 281-721-4373 today for a consultation to have your questions answered and discover the benefits of getting plastic surgery in Sugar Land.

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