Motherhood is one of the most rewarding joys that life can offer, but it can be extremely hard on your body. Many of our Clear Lake patients—whether new mothers or experienced ones—approach Dr. Deigni to rejuvenate their bodies. At our clinic, we offer the highly popular mommy makeover procedure, which is designed to help our patients enhance multiple body regions heavily impacted by pregnancy and childbirth.

With this procedure, you have the power and control to choose which treatments you want for your transformation. Dr. Deigni can work with you to create a personalized surgical plan for your needs. This procedure is ideal for patients who wish to achieve a full body transformation quickly and efficiently. For more information about obtaining your mommy makeover in Clear Lake, speak to our clinical team today.

What Is a Mommy Makeover?

The mommy makeover is an individualized combination of surgical treatments that aim to enhance, revitalize, and restore the body to its pre-pregnancy state. This procedure is customizable, so you can choose from an array of body treatments and decide which procedures you would like to pursue.

The transformative effects of pregnancy and breastfeeding are most commonly and quickly seen on the breasts. These changes can include:

  • Drooping, saggy breasts
  • White or beige stretch marks
  • Changes in the size, symmetry, and proportion of breasts

As part of your mommy makeover in Clear Lake, Dr. Deigni could masterfully restore your pre-pregnancy breasts with a variety of surgeries to cosmetically enhance your breasts–while combating volume loss, sagginess, and stretchmarks.

Procedures Commonly Done With a Mommy Makeover

With our mommy makeover procedure in Clear Lake, Dr. Deigni can also revitalize your stomach area with liposuction, drainless tummy tuck, or mini tummy tuck. These treatments can address concerns such as:

  • C-section scarring
  • Stretch marks and cellulite
  • Stubborn fat and weight gain in the stomach
  • Loose skin following pregnancy and delivery

Finally, Dr. Deigni can also include a Brazilian butt lift with your mommy makeover procedure, which can help lift and firm your buttocks while enhancing your silhouette. The Brazilian butt lift is designed to help:

  • Lost volume
  • Sagging, drooping skin
  • Stretch marks and cellulite
  • Undefined or poorly defined curves

During your initial consultation, we will help you discover what your unique needs are and determine the safest, quickest, and most effective treatments to help you achieve your cosmetic and aesthetic goals.

Treatment Options for Your Mommy Makeover

We offer a variety of options for your mommy makeover. You can choose from the procedures below or discuss any additional procedures you’re interested in for your mommy makeover with our Deigni Plastic Surgery team in Clear Lake.

We can also combine these procedures with non-surgical body contouring treatments, as per your needs.

Am I a Good Candidate for a Mommy Makeover?

Are you considering obtaining your mommy makeover procedure in the Clear Lake area? You are a good candidate for this surgery if you are:

  • At—or close to—your goal weight
  • Willing to pursue a healthy and active lifestyle
  • A healthy adult with no chronic health conditions
  • A non-smoker or willing to temporarily quit smoking

During your consultation, Dr. Deigni will thoroughly review your medical history to determine which mommy makeover procedures you are suitable for, as well as help you design the ideal surgical strategy to help you achieve your goals. At this stage, you should tell Dr. Deigni about any medications you are taking, along with any vitamins and supplements. You may be required to stop using blood thinners such as Aspirin.

Dr. Deigni will walk you through your mommy makeover treatment and give you personalized directions and resources you need for an optimal procedure and recovery, beginning with your at-home preparations for your procedure. Generally, it is best to follow a healthy diet and exercise routine for at least a month leading up to your procedure, as well as stopping smoking and limiting alcohol. The exact length of your surgical treatment and recovery will depend on the nature of your procedure. For most patients, their procedure will require one or two appointments in the treatment center, with each appointment requiring a recovery period of two to three weeks.

Talk to Our Clear Lake Doctor About Revitalizing Your Post-Pregnancy Body With A Mommy Makeover

Our highly trained plastic surgeon, Dr. Deigni, can help you restore, rejuvenate, and revitalize your post-pregnancy body with a mommy makeover. Choose from an array of surgical treatments for the breasts, abdominal region, and buttocks, packaged in a bespoke procedure designed to help you reveal your best self.

Discover how Dr. Deigni can help you undo nine months of pregnancy changes in just a few hours. Call 281-721-4373 and schedule your initial consultation for your mommy makeover in Clear Lake with Deigni Plastic Surgery today.

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