If you are ready to change, upgrade, or revise your breast implants, you may want to consider a breast revision in Clear Lake. Breast implant revision is a surgery that corrects the position, replaces, or removes your existing breast implant.
Breast implant revisions are typically recommended for patients who wish to remove their breast implants or to have them replaced, upgraded, enhanced, or adjusted. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Olivier Deigni performs breast surgeries of all kinds, including breast implant revisions. For more information and to discover how a breast implant revision in Clear Lake can be right for you, contact our office today.
There are several medical or cosmetic reasons why our patients desire or require a breast implant revision procedure. You may want a new look, and Dr. Deigni can help you upgrade or downsize your breast implants if you desire.
Patients may also want a breast implant revision in Clear Lake for medical reasons, including breast implant displacement, rupture, or rippling. Others may experience medical conditions that make it necessary to remove or revise a breast implant, such as capsule contraction or breast implant-associated lymphoma. No matter what your reason is, Dr. Deigni can help.
This surgery is performed under anesthesia and will follow the surgical strategy you and Dr. Deigni prepared during your consultation. The procedure should only take a few hours; however, we always recommend that you schedule an entire day off from work.
Dr. Deigni will create incisions in the breast area, taking care to either use the same incisions as made in your previous breast implant surgery or to ensure that new incisions are created in a concealed manner, as best as possible. Your previous breast implants will be carefully removed through these incisions. Depending on the nature of your procedure, Dr. Deigni may replace, reposition, or remove your existing implants. Once the chosen procedure is complete, he will close all incisions.
Because the breast implant revision in Clear Lake takes place under anesthesia, our medical team recommends you get a ride to and from the practice. You should not drive immediately following your procedure.
You will be advised to participate in complete and total rest for about two weeks. During this period, you will be expected to refrain from strenuous exercise or going to the gym. You should limit movement that exerts your arms or chest muscles so that your breasts can fully heal. Dr. Deigni will give you personalized advice as to when you can re-engage in exercise, physical activity, driving, and other activities.
Following your healing period, you will be cleared to resume your normal day-to-day activities, as advised by Dr. Deigni. To enjoy your results, you should follow a healthy diet and engage in an active lifestyle.
A breast implant revision in Clear Lake may be the right treatment for you if you wish to remove, replace, or correct the position of an existing breast implant. Whether your reason for pursuing a breast implant revision is medical or cosmetic, Dr. Deigni can help you discover the best solution for your needs.
The team at Deigni Plastic Surgery will ensure that your procedure will be performed with your safety at the forefront. Contact us at (281)724-3138 and schedule a consultation for your breast implant revision in Clear Lake today.